You can read more about symbolism in art on Wiki, of course, but that ruins the point of reading this blog post, no?
This blog post was inspired by art class today.
Of course, there are many types of symbolism; religious symbolism, political symbolism etc (haha took this out of Wiki 'cause I wanna act smart)
I find symbolism kinda creepy. Like, in some paintings - or in this case many paintings - there are pictures of skulls and death, and random objects like crows and eagles have some deep meaning into it.
I am clearly fascinated by this, yet extremely creeped out when I research stuff like this, or if someone tells me about it (as of Mr. Sathi, who is our art teacher).
What we learned today was symbolism in old paintings. Of course, nobody paints Jesus or some rich dude or some goddess anymore to sell for millions (unless if it's painted in gold or something) since we have a marvelous device called a camera. But, in the olden days, paintings were cool and if you were a painter you could be filthy rich or something. Symbolism still exists now though, in modern forms. Not paintings, but if I were to give an example... I would say maybe Lady Gaga's songs.
Lady Gaga's cool now, and so are her songs, but did you notice that her music videos are random? Random music videos usually have some meaning to it. In Lady Gaga's case, Bad Romance.
I've read this article, which is very popular now since it ranks first when you Google 'Lady Gaga Bad Romance meaning'. You can laugh at me for typing that in Google, but hey. I was curious and bored. I can't go on Facebook all day, I need my read-weird-articles moment. Everyone should read it, I think it's super cool and creepy at the same time. Oh, Lady Gaga. How she amazes me. And creeps me out at the same time.
One painting that we saw today was.. I forgot what it was called and by who, but I'll tell you what I can recall, since Google isn't exactly cooperating with me.
It was a picture of two men, French-looking (you know those funky olden Shakespeare-ish clothes with poofy pants) with intelligent-looking objects in a shelf in between them. I forgot what objects there was on the shelf, but I think it's something to show how smart they are. And at the bottom, there's this surfboard-looking thing. Apparently, if you look at the painting from one side with your head smooshed on the wall, you can see a skull. So if you look at the painting from the front and you know that it's a skull, it looks like a very skewered skull.
Mr. Sathi says something about Memento Mori, and I'm all OH HAY! It's Flyleaf's new album! OMG awesome!
... but it's actually about death and how we all are still mortals and we die anyway no matter how rich/poor you are.
How depressing. I liked the idea of Flyleaf's new album. But Flyleaf's songs are creepy in a way too, but okay whatever dfdsdfsdfsdg.
Skull represents death. That's shit scary you know. You're thinking, hey it's an innocent painting with two smart-looking men looking smart with smart things, and hey what's that? Is that a snowboard? A surfboard maybe?
And when someone tells you it's a skull, your mind is blown.
Here's an example:

First glance: O hay it's just a woman looking into a mirror/vanity that's nice.
Second glance: HOLY FUCKSHIT IT'S A SKULL. Mind blown.
And if you look closely.. That woman is staring into your soul.
In other words... symbolism is creepy. Especially if they're about death and doodads.