For my aunt's wedding.
Guess who drew the adorable bride & groom, imprinted on the chocolates?
Me lah, of course. DUH WHO ELSE COULD IT BE. *cough*
The art was also included on her wedding invitations. And I keep staring at the chocolates, because I can't believe that something of mine (but not really, because it's for my aunt's wedding but whatever okay) had been imprinted. On chocolate! Both milk and dark chocolate.
I have yet to eat them. But I don't want to.. because.. I can't take on how awesome it feels.
My aunt gave me two extra chocolates, because I won't be going to her wedding on December. I'm going on a holiday instead, wts. *sadface*
I want to eat the chocolates so bad right now, but
i. I'm on a diet.
ii. It's too precious to eat.
Someone help me.
That's actually very awesome. :D