Thursday, December 24, 2009

Looking at yourself

Don't you ever wonder why your friends gossip about you?
Your mom insults you all the time?

Well, you have to look at yourself.
Looking at yourself helps a lot. Not in the physical way eg. a mirror, but mentally.
Are you a type of person who is kind? Loving? Friendly?
You might think of those qualities for yourself, but other people definitely don't think so.

Self-understanding is a good way to improve yourself, so you can remind yourself what to do and what not to do.

I think of myself as a person who

a) likes to show off.
My philosophy? Whatever you buy, surely must show off one mah.
If not buy for what?

b) gives advice, but fails to follow it myself.
Yeah. I love to give advice, cheer people up; but if I face the same problem, I'd just break down and cry. Yeah. Life sucks.

c) gives up easily.
Yeah, like the 'awesome' posts of my trips that I was going to make.

d) gets angry easily.
But that's kinda common right? RIGHT? RIGHT?! FFFFUUUU-

e) forgets easily.
So if you have me as a friend and promise something/tell me a secret, I will probably forget it so ehhh sorry.

f) is shy. Very shy.
I never liked going out to socialize. I would rather stay at home etc (like my previous post go read it wtf)

g) can get ticked off when you insult my friends, family or even myself.
I will punch your face if you do insult my friends or family, kthx.

There's more about myself to write here, but I don't want to be overly perasan (show-off) and post my good qualities here. It's Christmas, damnit. I should be frolicking in the nonexistent snow the doesn't exist in my country, and opening my nonexistent presents from my existing parents who probably don't really bother about Christmas because they don't really celebrate Christmas and they're asian.

Anyway, my point is, when people see the bad things about you, there's always a chance to change yourself and your bad points. You could help yourself by writing down your bad points (doesn't work if you're too show-off because you think you're perfect) and thinking through, but who has the time for that?

Just use your brain to think what's right and what's wrong for yourself and everyone else.
That's what your brain is for. To think.

Also I think my posts are getting shorter and shorter.
But um, okay.. Merry Christmas, everyone; and have a happy new year!

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