Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Today's topic:

Since Sabrina asked me to, or more like I asked her to tell me a "serious" topic.

You see, I can never be serious (hence the new-and-improved-wannabe-serious-blog), as you can see from my old blog.

Alright, back to the main topic now.

Basically, the main point of studying is to get a good job, earn good money, live life to the fullest and die peacefully.
You earn money to spend it. You spend it by going on vacations, spend on luxuries, a piece of chocolate, the dress you've been eyeing on since last week.

Studying hard gets you to a good place in life. You earn a bigass sum of money, and you enjoy.
Many students would groan when they wake up in the morning, thinking, "Urgh, it's another shitty day at school. Why must we go to school anyway?"

Well, foolish little children, we go to school to get jobs!
As you see, the world revolves around money. You can't live without money, you can't eat without money (unless if you want to feed on raw grass and trashcans), you won't have shelter without money. And you won't have clothes, so you'd be butt nekkid without money.

Let's start off with you as just a little embryo.
When you're complete, you pop out from your mom's belly.
Everyone showers you with gifts.
As a child, you are pampered. You always throw tantrums when mom says you can't buy that Beanie Baby to add to your already exploding toybox.
You start kindergarten. It's really fun, 'cause you're learning the alphabet and playing games.
Then you go to primary school. Getting boring, because you're learning sentences and calculations.
After primary school, secondary school. You are bombarded with math equations, essays, and homework.
You start to complain.
You start saying, "I don't want to go to school today."
Your mom starts nagging you more, and you get annoyed so easily; and it just makes you want to give up on life.

However, you do all this to get a secured future.
A better life, for you and all of your future family members.
Food for them to eat, a house for them to stay.
Because that's what your parents did to have what they have now.

Your parents went through what you went through, and they are older and wiser to know what's right and wrong.

In conclusion, studying is important, people.
That's why I'm such a nerd.

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